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Idle Hands Make for the Devil's Work

When I started up this website, I was so excited that I would have my own website that I didn't stop to think what content I would fill it with. I feel that blogging is inherently loopy. I commit the voices in my head to writing, preserving them and granting them fecundity. Now they're on your screen and in your head too. It's like a disease. 

That is to say, I don't have much use for a website. However, the Japanese art form ukiyo-e brings to mind an interesting idea. Ukiyo-e means roughly "pictures from the floating world" and in context 'floating' is a reference to the Buddhist concept of impermanence. Essentially, life and the things in it are impermanent, and ukiyo-e aims to capture little snapshots of it. So perhaps the next time I'm enjoying an impermanent bag of Doritos, expect a blog post capturing how much I enjoyed it.